Tuesday, August 29, 2006


In Southern California where I am native, many yards had Hydrangeas in them. I was always amazed at these deciduous shrubs with there large clusters of showy flowers that give one the idea that they would be difficult to grow, but actually it’s quite the opposite.

In our area they grow best with morning sun and afternoon shade. They can be grown in full sun, but with our hot August afternoons, the flowers will crisp. If grown mostly in shade they have beautiful foliage but fewer flowers. When planted in preferred conditions the flowers will last until the end of October.

I keep them well water because they can be thirsty plants. And locate them in acidic soil. Nowadays there are some many new hybrids and colours that its hard to just have one in the garden.


Coe said...

Great photos! Keep up the great work.

Coe said...

Great photos! Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

I'm nuts about hydrangeas too. I bought a "sick" lace top and she is to be a princess in my garden next year.