Monday, January 01, 2007


Here's wishing you all a Happy New Year with one of my favourite trees a Coral Bark Maple (Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'). It's a beautiful small tree that has interest throughout the year. Lovely small bright green leaves, amazing fall colour and coral red bark for the winter. What's not to love.

All the best for 2007, may it be filled with Health,
Happiness, and New beginnings :)


MrBrownThumb said...

Hey I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that I'm enjoying your blog.

Your photos are pretty nice.

Bob said...

Thanks very much mrbrownthumb for the kind words. Its always nice to know that people are enjoying and hopelfully learning more about gardening. I've bookmarked your blogs so I can see what going on in gardening in the Chicago area.
all the best for the New Year.