Here is a picture of Iris foetidissima varigata (
Gladwin Iris) from earlier this year. I love this plant. It has beautiful foliage that does not die down in winter. Actually, it looks good year round. The variegated form of Gladwin Iris are generally non-bloomers, but in my garden they seem to flower every year. The non-variegated forms are more popular because they are prolific bloomers setting large seed pod filled with bright orange seeds in fall. This plant is not that easy to find at most nurseries. I purchased my plants from the famous Herronswood Nursery when I had an opportunity to tour there. This is the sort of plant you can easily combine with many other plants to add interest and form to your garden.
Wow...you got to tour Herronswood?! I bet you were pretty bummed out to hear of their closing...I had my catalog all marked up with "must-have" plants, but never got to order before it was too late.
Yes, It was really dissapointing. But I was glad to have seen it. It was really amazing. I came home with about 30 different starts. They were expensive but some really unique plant product.
Hope you got a chance to veiw my response about the crocosmia.
all the best, Bob of Bobsgarden.com
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