Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Boston Ivy (Pathenocissus tricuspidata)

Golden Full Moon Maple (Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum')

Gardening is not an exact science and there are often countless mysteries in how Mother Nature works. The photos shown are to prove this point. Both pictures were shot last Spring. But as you can see their are some interesting colour differences in the leaves.
All the foliage on the maple is from side by side branches (same plant). And the Ivy (growing on a wall near my home) is all receiving the same amount of light, water, temperature, all the same conditions. So why the differences in colour? I don't have the answer.
All plants with in a month had returned to their traditional Spring colour. In any case it was beautiful to see, a little bit of Autumn colour in Spring, and a gentle reminder of Mother Nature many surprises.

aureum - meaning gold or golden
plants with this word - Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'


  1. The surprises can be very exciting and the 'icing on the cake' so to speak. I love the Golden Full Moon Maple and I am lucky to have one also. Great your potted plants.

  2. Layanee, You are lucky with the golden full moon maple. They are not to common and are really beautiful.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    All the best, BOB

  3. Very interesting! I like that maple too, mine are amazingly hardy, but very small due to my wicked winters.

  4. I too am in the Pacific Northwest..what is a good maple that can be planted in a smaller yard? i would love the color of a maple but not sure i want to deal with the roots....?
